Bottomends » Cameron 56-65 bottom end
Cameron 56-65 bottom end
Cameron 56-65 basket, 'almost as new'. Complete overhaul in May 2010: All (12) base sticks have been replaced, new bottom leather all around, new runners. Brown suede, poles, pole covers. New pole bag. 4 karabiners, multiplex floor, document bag, fire extinguisher, drop line.

Cameron Single MK4 burner, in perfect condition. Bonnano retrofits, complete overhaul in May 2010. New ball vapour valve, all new O-rings, KSP125 greasing.

3 Worthington aluminium cylinders with covers. REGO, complete overhaul in May 2010. New bleed valves, new PRV (OK untill 2019), all new O-rings in main valves and content gauges. Pressure test valid until 01/2012.

Instruments (altimeter + variometer) in wooden box.

All maintenance carried out by EASA approved repair station BE/MF/009. All equipment comes with EASA Form One.


Koen Audenaert - Atlantic Ballooning (show all 3 items of this user)
Destelbergen, Belgium
+32 - (0) 9 - 3566484
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Listed in category Bottomends since 25-05-2010.